New Orleans Quarter Shanty Krewe hosts a monthly community sea shanty sing on the first Monday of every month in the back room of Silk Road at 2483 Royal St. in the Marigny. All voices are welcome. Songbooks will be provided.

“Enthusiasm trumps talent when it comes to singing from the heart.”

The offbeat Marigny district is known for its Cajun bistros, bohemian bars and jazz clubs, especially along Frenchmen Street. Sidewalk musicians and brass bands add a block party vibe to the nighttime Frenchmen Art Market, which sells local artwork and handicrafts. Quieter spots include Washington Square where the lawns are shaded by old oak trees.

New Orleans Monthly Shanty Sing identifies as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

Musical Acts

N. O. Quarter Shantey Krewe K.C. King



New Orleans


