
This website is a landing page run by the Northwest Seaport for folks interested in sea chanteys/shanties and other maritime music in Seattle, Washington and the Pacific Northwest.  It covers such events as:

  • Northwest Seaport Chantey Sing (Seattle, WA)
  • Tavern Shanty Sing (Seattle, WA)
  • Olympia Oral Tradition Pub Sing (Olympia, WA)
  • Budd Bay Sea Shanty Singers Shanty Sing (Olympia, WA)
  • Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival (Port Townsend, WA)
  • Northwest Folklife Festival (Seattle, WA)
  • Port Gamble Maritime Music Festival (Port Gamble, WA)
  • Tumbleweed Folk Music Festival (Richland, WA)
  • FisherPoets Gathering (Astoria, OR)

Musical Acts

William Pint & Felicia Dale The Whateverly Brothers Hank Cramer Strikes a Bell Matthew Moeller Shanghaied on the Willamette The Shifty Sailors Seastar Time & Tide Alex Sturbaum

