
Bunbury’s Anchormen hosts a monthly Shanty Club at the Wellington Hotel in Bunbury, Western Australia.  Their next gathering will be on October 6th 2020.

Fancy a Shanty? Well come along to the Bunbury Shanty club then me hearties. You’ll learn how to belt out the greatest maritime hits of the 1700 and 1800s.  From 7:00-7:30 we’ll run through a short shanty workshop where we’ll learn one or two shanty classics.  From 7:45-8:30 help the Anchormen sing in key. Shanty lyrics will be projected on the big screen for all to help us roar down the rafters and sing out the rope.  You’re guaranteed a roaring good time with these rollicking songs. See you deck side at the Welly!
Pints of Coopers Pacific Pale Ale $6:00!

Musical Acts

Anchormen, The




