This is a very well regarded maritime music event in the Netherlands that was temporarily suspended by the Covid pandemic. In the words of Pirates! headman, David Gallows, “In Just over a week’s time we’re playing at the Rotterdam International Shanty Festival! There’s around 30 groups from all over Europe performing during the festival. Ourselves, we’re appearing on Saturday night, please come down and join us for a night of maritime themed folk rock mayhem.”
In 2003, I was, together with Cor Roodsant (then chairman of Barend Fox) and Hans van der Sluijs, co-founder of the Stichting Shantyfestival Rotterdam. At that time, I was chairman of the co-founding choir Shantykoor Rotterdam. — Kees Driesprong
Google erroneously marked this event as “Permanently Closed” as of 16 Dec 2022. Don’t trust everything that you read on the internet!
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