South Bayfront Sailing Association is a small non-profit in Chula Vista CA dedicated to supporting all things maritime and preserving historical maritime traditions. We are the home of the tall ship Bill of Rights, a 136′ gaff rig two-masted schooner built in 1971 in Maine of all American wood. We participate in and host various community maritime/tallship events which always have a music component.
We are a not-for-profit California corporation founded to promote art, science, and education in the community. The corporation was founded by local mariner and people interested in sailing and education. The sailing association provides facilities for learning to sail, building and maintenance of wooden boats, navigation, hands-on repair of engines and other systems, as well as lore of the sea and artistic representation of the maritime culture.
We welcome new members who are interested in the goals of community improvement, art, science, education at all levels and involvement, up to and including acting as crew aboard the Bill of Rights, as well as the use of our other sailing facilities. We are a group of mariner educators, interested in passing along the knowledge and experience of sailing, while instilling a sense of responsibility and discipline, so necessary to sailing.
We sponsor the Sea Scouts, the US Coast Guard Auxiliary, and the US Sail and Power Squadron.
Chula Vista