First Sunday of Every Month | 2pm – 4pm ET | In-Person | Free

South Street Seaport Museum’s monthly Sea Chantey and Maritime Music, the original NYC chantey sing, continues live aboard Wavertree. Join a round-robin of shared songs featuring members of The New York Packet and friends. Singers of all levels, as well as listeners, are welcome to lead or request a song, join in the choruses, or just listen as we present traditional maritime work songs and ballads.

Location: Tall Ship Wavertree
The Sing will take place on the main deck of Wavertree. Guests must walk up a few stairs and along an angled gangway to board the ship. At this time there will not be a way to participate virtually. Hybrid sings will return in October.

Before or after the sing, participants are invited to tour the Seaport Museum galleries at 12 Fulton Street, and visit tall ship Wavertree and lightship Ambrose on Pier 16, all for free.

The event is FREE, and advance registration encouraged but not required.

Musical Acts

New York Packet

Point of


New York

New York

