Stader Shantychor-Festival – Stade Shanty Choir Festival

A breeze of sea air in the old town

Shanty choirs from all over Northern Germany perform their sea shanties and make the maritime city vibrate. There will be shanties in German and English on two stages in the old town for a weekend. Of course you can also sway.

On Sunday the event traditionally begins with a sailors’ service in the church of St. Cosmae. While the shanties are playing on the stages in the old town, the shops in the alleys of the old town are also open on Sundays, so you can combine listening to the old sea shanties with a leisurely shopping trip.

The Stader Shantychor-Festival was last held 14-15 October, 2023.  It will run again Sunday 13 October 2024.

General Information




Lower Saxony


Delme Shanty Singers Stader Hafensänger Shanty choir De Prohner Hafengäng De Prohner Hafengäng Shantychor Sassnitz
