Sightsailer | 46′ Sloop
If you’re looking for spirited, lively sail and like the idea of a smaller number of guests, come sailing on Sightsailer! Sightsailer sails with a maximum of 13 guests and offers a fast, fun, and comfortable sailing experience. She is a great boat for a Newport harbor cruise and sail in Narragansett Bay! Guests may take the helm and sail or sit back and relax!

Sightsailer is 46 feet, light, with a large sail plan and cushioned cockpit. Compared to Aquidneck, Sightsailer is lower to the water, which means you get more of adventurous, race-boat sailing experience. When it’s windy, Sightsailer will heel (lean) over more than Aquidneck which many find quite exciting!

Looking for a sail for just 2-6 guests? Consider chartering Starlight for a private two hour sail. Pack a picnic and discover sailing, legendary Newport and Narragansett Bay aboard your own private yacht. Private two hour sails are $395.

Sightsailing Inc. was started by John Hirschler, who still works here almost every day. John is a native Newporter who was lucky enough to be introduced to sailing by his parents in their Pearson Ensign and Herreshoff Bullseye. Like many local youngsters bitten by the sailing bug, he sailed summers in the Newport Yacht Club Junior Sailing Program, going on to race dinghies and 420s all over Narragansett Bay. After graduating from Boston University and a stint of office work, he decided it might be a good idea to start a business before returning to business school.

John started Sightsailing doing all the sailing himself in a 22 foot Pearson Ensign while his girlfriend ran the ‘office’…basically a phone, tattered notebook and a rickety chair. After a season or two, John added another boat, and then a few more. He received his MBA but decided that even though it was a boatload of work, he really enjoyed running his own business and “messing about in boats.” John is a serious “boat-junkie” who likes nothing more than strolling through boatyards looking at boats.

In the winter, John can be found covered with muck in the boatyard, reading the Sunday New York Times, dreaming of visiting far away places and catching up on everything that got put on the back burner during the sailing season! If you have read this far and want to know more about John, scroll to the bottom of this page and watch our History video.

Favorite Quotation:“You win some, you lose some and some get rained out, but you gotta suit up for them all.” J. Askenberg.



