
The Schooner Virginia, docked along the Elizabeth River at Nauticus, is a reproduction of the last tall sail vessel built for the Virginia Pilot Association. The original ship sailed for the pilots from 1917-1926, training apprentice pilots in seamanship and navigation.

The Schooner Virginia serves the Nauticus Foundation as a vital education platform to engage the Hampton Roads community with a focus on delivering transformative maritime and hands on learning to students of all backgrounds and ages, museum visitors and the general public. The Schooner Virginia’s programming emphasizes STEM education, maritime history, tall ship training, workforce development and the conservation of our local waterways.

She participates in major events such as the Norfolk Harborfest, and the Great Chesapeake Bay. Schooner Race, as well as in many community service projects assisting in safety-at-sea seminars and with local maritime-focused nonprofit organizations.
