“Maritime Festival”

SEPT 13 – 15, 2024

This is the Ocean Institute’s 40th Annual Event

Come celebrate California’s rich maritime history and our connection to the ocean!

This is a fun-filled weekend with, visiting Tall Ships, Sails ‘n Ales Craft Beer Party, Cannon Battles, Pirate and Mermaid Ball, Beer Garden, Mermaids Swim Shows, Pirate School, Live music, Reenactors and Sailor Camp, Local Vendors, Food Trucks and more!

This event was previously known as the Tall Ships Festival (at Dana Point).  In the past this was a festival that was world famous for its maritime music performed by such artists as Bill Dempsey, Louis Killen, Tom Lewis, Sam Hinton, Holdstock & MacLeod, Pint & Dale and others.  Unfortunately, in recent years management (a new director, it seems) has shifted entertainment to Jack Sparrow impersonators and some kind of mermaid show.  No maritime-themed music at all.  There was a discussion about hiring a Beach Boys tribute band, which would strip away any thematic element from the tall ships’ presence, but would, additionally, make the event both generic and forgettable.

General Information



Dana Point



Bill Dempsey Holdstock & MacLeod Louis Killen Pint & Dale Sam Hinton Tom Lewis
