Vents et Marées – Songs of traditional sailors and the sea in Brittany

“Vents & Marées” is a vocal and instrumental group of songs of sailors and the sea, has its home harbour in Dinard on the Emerald Coast. Composed of about twenty singers and musicians radiating throughout Brittany.

The group launched in February 2000, some amateurs embarked non this venture against all odds and this is how our name was born.

It has evolved according to stopovers, currents or sudden storm. Even if it was sometimes necessary to take time out for a laugh and a joke, the course has been maintained and the adventure continues to the delight of a crew passionate about maritime tradition.

Since its launch, the group has made essential stops such as the Festival du Chant de Marin in Paimpol, the Route du Rhum in Saint-Malo, Brest 2012 and 2024 and others just as exciting; sea festivals, village festivals, associative meals or actions for the benefit of the SNSM, the French Lifeboat Service, of which we are partners.

After 1 first CD released in 2004 “la belle aventure” and 2007 “tous voiles dehors”, and “La Fête à bord” in 2011, we released in July 2016 the fourth CD entitled “Souvenirs d’escales”. The first two of these are no longer available, however CDs 3 & 4 are available via the group’s website.

Songs to turn, dance or hoist, the group “Vents et Marées” performs its traditional and contemporary songs in Dinard, and throughout Brittany

The composers share their impressions with us:

“I have just received with great pleasure the album Souvenirs d’Escales on which you were kind enough to record two songs by me and my accomplice

Jean Pierre STORA.

I wanted to thank you personally. Congratulations for your work and thank you for continuing this work of memory on seafarers and marine culture. I am very pleased to meet one day.” 

Jean – Marc DESBOIS

I see that “Vents et Marées” is like good wine because the group has been getting bettered over the years and this cuvée is really very pleasant to taste.

The repertoire is enriched by very nice “medleys” and by songs not too well known or unpublished also I think this CD will gain the public success it deserves.

This will crown the work of choristers and soloists who communicate their pleasure of singing by placing their fair and well-etched voices on great musical arrangements. Beautiful work!”



A Contact Sheet is available via the group’s website.


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