Tom Lewis is a 24-year veteran of Her Majesty’s Royal Naval diesel submarines and, if you like songs and stories of the sea, new and old, you’ll certainly enjoy his singing, stories and recordings. A charismatic and popular singer and musician, Tom has written a number of sea songs and shanties that many erroneously believe to be traditional. In addition to his own material, Tom draws on his naval experience to provide authenticity when singing traditional sea songs. His strong performances engage audiences with the spirit of the sea.

“I am rubbish at ‘blowing my own trumpet’ (he said, modestly). However; one publication said:
‘After 24 years at sea; Tom’s repertoire—from traditional shanties to songs fashioned out of his own seafaring background—recruits his audience for a voyage by turns reflective, dramatic and humorous; with songs that have become folk standards; known and sung wherever great choruses ring out.’”


Another Facebook Page

Self Propelled Music

Seascapes – Fastnet Review

Music Secrets Exposed Interview


Making Waves (Album, with William Pint & Felicia Dale) Digital Download  Album

From Bandcamp

A Shanty For Singing (Single) Digital Download  Album

From Bandcamp

Demand Performance (Double Album) Digital Download  Album

From Bandcamp

Poles Part Too (The Song Goes On) (Album) Digital Download  Album

From Bandcamp

360° (All Points of the Compass) (Album) Digital Download  Album

From Bandcamp

Poles Apart (With Qftry) (Album) Digital Download  Album

From Bandcamp

Mixed Cargo (Album) Digital Download  Album

From Bandcamp

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier .​.​. Singer! (Album) Digital Download  Album

From Bandcamp

Sea-Dog, See Dog! (Album) Digital Download  Album

From Bandcamp

Surfacing (Album) Digital Download  Album

From Bandcamp



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Co. Roscommon

