Alex Cumming New Single - Banner 2022

Quebec’s La Fête des Chants de Marins de Saint-Jean-Port-Joli is one of the most significant maritime music festivals in North America.  Coming from an environment that was once a prolific cradle of coastal sailors or fishermen, the Sea Shanties Festival (“Fête des Chants de Marins”) offers its audience, in addition to traditional sea shanties from here and elsewhere, performances that celebrate St. Laurent, its islands, its sailors, as well as the history and maritime heritage of the Côte-du-Sud. Each year, the event welcomes 15,000 visitors from all over Quebec. Port market of regional artisans, the family area offering inflatable games and activities for the whole family. The program also includes many activities organized in partnership with local organizations and businesses, such as exhibitions at the Musée maritime du Québec.

General Information






Brise-Glace Chris Ricketts Les Gabiers d'Aquilon Les Murènes The Dreadnoughts Marine Jams Bounding Main Pavillon Noir Les Mâles de Mer Tom Lewis
