Henry Hudson Set Adrift by Mutineers (1611)

Henry Hudson's Last Voyage
Henry Hudson’s Last Voyage

After spending a winter trapped by ice in present-day Hudson Bay, the starving crew of the Discovery mutinies against its captain, English navigator Henry Hudson, and sets him, his teenage son, and seven supporters adrift in a small, open boat. Hudson and the eight others were never seen again.

Read the complete article on History.com.

The prolific, maritime-folk singing duo Nanne & Ankie performed a traveling, musical presentation about the life and work of Henry Hudson, based on the music written by Nanne Kalma. They produced a CD called Henry Hudson & De Halve Maen (the Half Moon). Separately, with the group Kat yn’t Seil, they performed the beautifully haunting melody, De Halve Maen. Here they are performing the song at the 2003 Chicago Maritime Festival.